Love Is Love Is Love
Three stoÂries that explore love, comÂmitÂment, and loyÂalÂty between couÂples and friends. "Two for DinÂner" where a marÂried couÂple temÂporarÂiÂly livÂing in two difÂferÂent locaÂtions are more sepÂaÂratÂed than they think. "SailÂing LesÂson" about a long-marÂried couÂple who spend a day on a sailÂboat rekinÂdling their romance… and unexÂpectÂed events arise. "Late Lunch" where a young woman who recentÂly lost her mothÂer gathÂers togethÂer a group of her mothÂer’s friends to share memÂoÂries, with surÂprisÂing revÂeÂlaÂtions.
Released: 2021-10-07
Duration: 91
United States of America
American Zoetrope